Privacy Policy

OOSH!Our Privacy Policy

This privacy statement is applicable to CEKAV andall its affiliates.The policy is to respect and protectthe privacy of our users.

CEKAV (hereafter referred to as “Company” or“”) does not collect personallyidentifiable information about individuals exceptwhen such individuals specifically provide suchinformation on a voluntary basis. For example,such personally identifiable information may begathered from a contest or sweepstakesregistration, the registration process forsubscription sites or services and in connectionwith content submissions, community postings(e.g., chat and message boards), suggestions,voting/polling activities and transnational areas.

Personally identifiable information on individualusers will not be sold or otherwise transferred tounaffiliated third parties without the approval ofthe user at the time of collection. At such points ofcollection, the user will have the opportunity toindicate whether he or she would like to “opt out” of receiving promotional and/or marketinginformation about other products, services andofferings from the Company and/or any thirdparties.

While the Company does not anticipate a largenumber of children accessing our website, we arecommitted to protecting the privacy of childrenwho use our sites and applications. Our Companyhas established practices compliant with the U.S.Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”)regarding children’s personal information. is sharing personally identifiableinformation with Google Analytic’s (acting as itssite traffic gathering agent for this limited purpose)for the sole purpose of gathering statistical data onvisitors to the site and the pages viewed by thosevisitors. If you wish to opt out,visit GoogleAnalytics’ privacy center. [insert this information ifyou are using any kind of analytics for gatheringinformation...and insert the appropriatewebsite/company you are using] Further, notwithstanding any opt out ofpromotional information by the user, the Companyreserves the right to contact a subscriber regardingaccount status, changes to the subscriberagreement and other matters relevant to theunderlying service and/or the informationcollected.

The Company may disclose user information inspecial cases when we have reason to believe thatdisclosing this information is necessary to identify,contact or bring legal action against someone whomay be causing injury to or interference with(either intentionally or unintentionally) theCompany’s rights or property, other Companyusers, or anyone else that could be harmed bysuch activities. The Company may disclose userinformation when we believe in good faith that thelaw requires it.

The Company reserve the right to performstatistical analyses of user behavior andcharacteristics in order to measure interest in and use of the various areas of the site and to informadvertisers of such information as well as thenumber of users that have been exposed to orclicked on their advertising banners. The Companywill provide only aggregated data from theseanalyses to third parties. Also, users should beaware that the Company may sometimes permitthird parties to offer subscription and/orregistration-based services through the Company’ssite. The Company are not responsible for anyactions or policies of such third parties and usersshould check the applicable privacy policy of suchparty when providing personally identifiable information.

Additionally, users should be aware that when theyvoluntarily disclose personally identifiableinformation (e.g., user name, e-mail address) onthe bulletin boards or in the chat areas of theCompany’s sites, that information, along with anysubstantive information disclosed in the user’scommunication, can be collected and correlated and used by third parties and may result inunsolicited messages from other posters or thirdparties. Such activities are beyond the control ofthe Company.

Users also should be aware that non-personalinformation and data may be automaticallycollected through the standard operation of theCompany’s internet servers or through the use of“cookies.” Cookies are small text files a web sitecan use to recognize repeat users, facilitate theuser’s ongoing access to and use of the site andallow a site to track usage behavior and compileaggregate data that will allow contentimprovements and targeted advertising. Cookiesare not programs that come onto a user’s systemand damage files. Generally, cookies work byassigning a unique number to the user that has nomeaning outside the assigning site. Users shouldbe aware that the Company cannot or does notcontrol the use of cookies or the resultinginformation by advertisers or third parties hosting data for the Company. If a user does not wantinformation collected through the use of cookies,there is a simple procedure in most browsers thatallows the user to deny or accept the cookie feature; however, users should note that cookiesmay be necessary to provide the user with certainfeatures (e.g., customized delivery of information)available on the Company’s site.

Upon request, the Company will allow any user to“opt out” of further promotional contacts at anytime. Additionally upon request, the Company willuse reasonable efforts to allow users toupdate/correct personal information previouslysubmitted which the user states is erroneous to theextent such activities will not compromise privacyor security interests. Also, upon a user’s request,the Company will use commercially reasonableefforts to functionally delete the user and his or herpersonal information from its database; however, itmay be impossible to delete a user’s entry without some residual information because of backups andrecords of deletions.

The foregoing policies are effective as of Feb 192019 . The Company reserves the right to changethis policy at any time by notifying users of theexistence of a new privacy statement. Thisstatement and the policies outlined herein are notintended to and do not create any contractual orother legal rights in or on behalf of any party.

By using this site, you signify your assent to theCompany’s Privacy Policy. If you do not agree tothis policy, please do not use our sites. Yourcontinued use of the Company’s sites following theposting of changes to these terms will mean youaccept those changes.

If you have questions or concerns regarding thisWeb site’s privacy statement, contact theCompany. +1-201-904-4056

As our Company is headquartered in the UnitedStates, we adhere most closely with applicable federal and state laws. We do, however, value ournon-US users. The Company has implementedpolicies to adhere to the European Union’s GeneralData Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) whichincludes strict data protection principles thatorganizations must follow in order to protect thepersonal information they collect about theirclients or people who visit their websites.Whilemany rules and actions may be the same in the USand EU, there may be specific instances of policydifferences. If you are concerned about how yourpersonal information is being collected inconnection with GDPR, please use this contactinformation and reach out to the +1-201-904-4056